Chimpanzee Tatu outside by a tree.
Tatu outside by a tree

Tatu sits outside beside a big tree.



Founded in 2002, Fauna Sanctuary, Inc. was established to help provide chimpanzees in sanctuaries with a quality life through the development and maintenance of a physical, emotional and social environment that best promotes their well being and provides for their needs, as much as captivity allows. Fauna Sanctuary, Inc. helps provide funding for special projects and capital campaigns that will help achieve these goals.

In addition, Fauna Sanctuary, Inc. funds educational programs and outreach efforts related to the lives of chimpanzees in captivity, their use in entertainment, research and as pets. A major priority of ours is working closely with Fauna Foundation in both the care of its resident chimpanzees and its programmatic work on behalf of all chimpanzees in captivity. To learn more about Fauna Foundation, visit

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors includes experts in chimpanzee care, animal protection and veterinary medicine.


  • Tony Smith, President and Treasurer
  • Trina McKellar, Secretary


  • Stephanie Brown, Animal Alliance of Canada
  • Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. Author and Professor of Biology, University of Colorado
  • Dawna Grow, Trustee of Fauna Foundation
  • Gloria Grow, Co-Founder of Fauna Foundation